Metrocon 2017 – August 4 – August 6, 2017

Pictures from Metrocon, August 2017! Attended the anime convention in Tampa, from Friday through Sunday, in costume with Victor and Jeaux!

Day 1 – Friday, no costume

I wore a non-costume to the con on Friday, but I dressed up cute as a Steven Universe nerd. I had on Steven Universe–related shirt, belt, earrings, bracelets, socks, and shoes, and carried my cheeseburger backpack. Jeaux as Dipper found a Mabel who reminded us she’s the alpha twin because she’s taller. Umm. One Steven Universe had all kinds of Steveny props in his bag, including some cat fingers. Garnet and Lapis were running a panel about Steven Universe song lyrics. They forgot their Pearl Points so I gave them some of mine to give out! I won a Pearl Point for getting the right answer at the lyrics panel. And as part of a scavenger hunt, we had to hug a Metrocon volunteer. I already knew Michael so he was the one I hugged!

Day 2 – Saturday, Stevonnie costume

Victor came as Batman of the Opera. Jeaux came as Tiger Millionaire. And I was Stevonnie with a uke. No panel hosts showed up to run the earliest event we went to so we decided to run it. I gave a quiz to people and we played some music. I met a Doctor from Doctor Who who was 6’7″ tall. We met a Purple Puma who almost tackled Jeaux as Tiger Millionaire! When I met a Steven and Connie cosplay couple I said “I really like your costumes for some reason.” A gorgeous Rose Quartz with a shield called “HEY BABY. I see you!” at me. When I met another Stevonnie they told me Stevonnie is the best Fusion and a Yellow Pearl cosplayer rolled her eyes and said “Ewww, FUSIONS.” So method.

Day 3 – Sunday, Stevonnie costume

Victor wanted to go to this workshop on silicon mold-making. I went with him but didn’t make a mold. He’s making a mold for a GIR and Piggy! We got to see a roomful of dancing nerds. They were all doing the same dances in the main room and it was so cool.