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The Explanations:
Week 1 | |
Sat., March 1: | Mikey and I went to the Tampa Ren Faire and happened to see my friend Mike with his family there too. Did the usual Tampa Faire things, ate at IHOP, and went home. Tried to do some computer stuff but my energy flagged and I fell asleep accidentally. |
Week 2 | |
Sun., March 2: | Woke up 4 AM. Worked on editing, straightened up the apartment, chatted with Meg until Mike arrived for a visit. When he arrived, we caught up on stuff, ate at Golden Corral, and shopped at Mojo Books. Had a good time watching too much House and eating too much sour candy. Made vegan macaroni and “cheese” for him. Talked as I did laundry, and went to bed. |
Mon., March 3: | Mike took me to work and I had a slacker day. Bound some documents and prepared mailers. Met Mike at Borders, ate at IHOP, went home, watched Eyeshield 21 on DVD, and baked a blueberry white chocolate iced loaf. Other than that, did nothing but talk. |
Tues., March 4: | Mike left, I went to work, and was pretty bored. There was a storm so I left work an hour early to escape it. Worked on the “Bruce the Duck” section of my Web page all day. Got the movie clips to work. Exhausted myself. |
Wed., March 5: | Went to work, worked on the edits for the book I got hired to work on, and went to Jeaux’s house. (We had to move Jeaux Day this week because of his schedule.) We went to eat at Outback and saw the movie Jumper and made fun of it. The book was better. Went home, kicked Jeaux out, and worked on my “Bruce” page more. |
Thurs., March 6: | Work. Editing. Printing documents. Derr. Got caught in the rain on my bike. Napped, woke up, and wasted more time on the “Bruce” page–mostly typing the story in. |
Fri., March 7: | Chatted to Victor before going in to work. Work was the usual. Worked on the editing project too. Stayed late to help with some FedEx junk. Dove into Negative One when I got home, finished rather early and posted it. Fell asleep while listening to Sophie Ellis Bextor. |
Sat., March 8: | Got up early, ate, and finished the “Bruce” section of my Web page. Mikey had to work, so we didn’t see each other until afternoon. We shopped, and then I got invited to dinner with Meg but I didn’t go because I wanted to work on writing. I got another chapter of the “Mulligan” story done and then ended up chatting in IMs with Victor. Jumped on my bed. |
Week 3 | |
Sun., March 9: | Had to cancel tennis with Mikey because it was too windy. Did laundry. Went to the Ren Faire with Meggie, Brendon, Katelyn, and Ben, and wore my gypsy dress. Everyone and their mom commented on my ears–why this day in particular? (Perhaps the hair band thing I was wearing made them stick out?) Bought some earrings and a pretty skirt thing. Got an e-mail asking me to re-read the book I was hired to edit before it went to print the next day. Pulled an all-nighter to do so while printing pages of the hard copy of Bad Fairy that Mikey requested. |
Mon., March 10: | Spent the day at work editing and sent the final in. Shopped at Walgreens for paper and goodies, fought off sleep with a shower, and started drawing. Got the rest of Bad Fairy printed and drew a concept sketch in Sharpie. Scanned it and printed it for Mikey’s cover. |
Tues., March 11: | Delivered Mikey’s Bad Fairy, took a nap. Went to work, wrote the Negative One storyboard, chipped away at work tasks. Changed clothes at work and got picked up by Jeaux–and we went to St. Pete for the TMBG concert! We were early, so we ate at Cracker Barrel and did some shopping. A girl in a store called me cute and said I looked like a fairy. Finally we went to the concert. The opening band (Oppenheimer) is a new favorite, and the main attraction (TMBG) was full of awesome. I bought a CD of each. |
Wed., March 12: | Spent all day on OKCupid and LJ killing time. Chatted about music with the maintenance man at work. Went home, wasted time on YouTube and had a nice nap. Worked on photos but didn’t make the Ren Faire album because I didn’t have Bren’s photos yet. Tweaked writing pages, mailed people pictures, updated CD lists. Obeyed a whim to put stickers all over my face for no reason. |
Thurs., March 13: | Boss had to leave town so I had to scurry around to help him get ready. Also had a fight with one of the people in the corporate office. Things slowed down after Boss left. When I went home I posted recipes, played DDR, and had my mom over. Baked biscuits and ate quinoa pasta, but Mom didn’t try the pasta. She liked the biscuits though. We chatted into the night as I drew a Joint Custody character sketch, and then she went home. I somehow stayed up all night but didn’t get anything done. |
Fri., March 14: | Fell asleep unexpectedly while ripping songs from a CD for my mp3 player. Got up when Victor called at 3 AM. Talked while doing dishes and drawing comic. Went to work and chilled–busy morning but slow afternoon. Bothered the apartment complex people several times because my heat died again. They could not fix it so I had to spend the weekend cold again. Worked on the comic, finished, and read my manga . . . GO DEVILBATS!!! |
Sat., March 15: | Mikey day! We did grocery store, Borders, Nutrition S’Mart, Michaels, and Target. Then we got pizza and watched one episode of Escaflowne and I introduced him to Oppenheimer. Played tennis with him and it was windy. He quit when he got too dizzy to play anymore, which sucked ’cause I was winning. Went home and worked on my Web page, and recorded and posted a YouTube video of me singing “Popular.” |
Week 4 | |
Sun., March 16: | Up early, but then snoozed in bed again after the early rise. Played tennis with Mikey and lost, foo. Showered, puttered on the Web, and ate Mikey’s fake chicken and dumpling soup. Did laundry and worked on my site. Wrote a new “Mulligan” chapter. Then wrote another immediately after. Got very emotional and hid in bed for a while. Made a CD for Jessie. |
Mon., March 17: | St. Patrick’s–I wore green. Very tired at work. Didn’t get a lot of anything done, but caught up on a longish e-mail or two. Went home and worked on the THTIB portion of my site. Didn’t do much besides that except nap. |
Tues., March 18: | Walked to work, cleaned up the office, did the usual Tuesday routine. Composed a whiny response to the Reddit morons who ate a hole in my page. Walked to Jeaux’s after work. Ate at J.J. Ching’s, worked on fanart pages, played tennis and beat Jeaux but it was a long and difficult game. Jeaux took a shower and I kicked him out and then took my shower, and finished the fanart site. |
Wed., March 19: | Went to work and cleaned Bill’s office. Ew. Talked to the maintenance guy some more. Went home, ate edamame, and put up a new doodle, a new essay, and a new rant. Took everything off my porch and put it inside because they wanted to paint my porch. Realized THE EQUINOX WAS THE NEXT DAY so I prepared a few recipes. Chatted to Mark on the phone while baking hot cross buns, and chatted to Robin while making spiced cupcakes. Listened to music, iced the cakes, and cleaned up. |
Thurs., March 20: | Ostara, the spring equinox! Brought goodies to work and shared them. Also shared goodies with apartment office and Mikey. Put up new Ostara decorations and had a traditional seasonal meal with deviled eggs and the special items I’d baked. Fixed my broken Palm. Read a story by Victor and wrote some notes. Started some work on the Web page but got stuck when I ran out of juice and crashed. |
Fri., March 21: | Long day at work. Did timesheets and some cleanup in Keven’s office. Had to stay late because of a meeting blocking me from getting some items from my boss. Went home, took a nice nap, ate too much, watched an episode of Eyeshield 21, and worked on the comic. Got very emotional over the stuff in this week’s issue. Checked for new manga but nothing was there. Fiddled with my THTIB encyclopedia page. Went to bed. |
Sat., March 22: | Mikey came over relatively late and we went to Target and Publix. He decided to go sleep instead of eating with me. I worked on my page and then slept too. Wrote a short chapter of “Mulligan.” Felt particularly unproductive afterwards–wasted time fooling around. Played with OKCupid some more and IMed with a guy from there. Ate an entire 8-serving packet of sugar-free Kool-Aid by itself. Got covered in red dye. |
Week 5 | |
Sun., March 23: | Very productive day. Got up and worked on the Web page a bit. Took a snooze. Mikey came over and asked to play tennis. We did and I won. Showered, did laundry and dishes, chatted with Mom and worked on my black and white Ivy/Nina drawing. Made soup and ate it. Talked to Grandma and Grandpa on the phone about upcoming family gathering at my place. Worked on the encyclopedia page more and wrote another chapter on “Mulligan” which was very good. |
Mon., March 24: | Slow Monday at work. Re-read parts of my book. Scanned stuff, sent out documents. Stopped at Plato’s to shop for clothes on the way home. Resisted sleep and worked on the THTIB page. Found out Phil’s dad died. Worked on my page more and then my dad called and we chatted while I did dishes and laundry. Went back to dumbness on THTIB page. Got annoyed at myself. Ate candy necklaces to make me feel better. |
Tues., March 25: | Cleaned Keven’s office more at work and argued with a client. After work, went home and got dressed in a very cute outfit that incorporated one shirt I got at Plato’s, and Jeaux met me at the house. We ate at Beef O’ Brady’s and watched a comedy show together. Played tennis and beat Jeaux. Kicked him out and I took a shower. Argued with someone about anorexia. Did a tiny bit of writing and went to sleep. |
Wed., March 26: | Got up early and put a segment of a video game show on YouTube because it pissed me off by making fun of something I like. Wrote about it on LJ and MangaHelpers. Spent a good deal of my work day working. Finished Kev’s office with plans to do Dan’s the next day. Went home, ate, turned in cartridges at Staples, and chatted on the phone with Mikey. Finally put all my stuff back on my porch from when they painted it. Attacked e-mail, read the end of a book Jeaux lent me, and updated my page. Wrote a “Mulligan” chapter and got completely exhausted. Passed out on the floor. |
Thurs., March 27: | Cleaned out Dan’s office at work. Daydreamed. Took a snooze when I got home, and wrote another chapter. This one sucked my soul out. Cried a lot. Ate a bunch of food and re-read the chapter. IMed with a guy who liked some of my essays. |
Fri., March 28: | Woke up when Victor called at 3 AM. Got burned out drawing the Weaver comic. Went to work and doodled a sketch of Mulligan and Dia, and put it on my journal. Came home, ate, napped, and finished the comic. Danced around to Sara Bareilles. Decided to put up new fanart and character/gallery drawings. |
Sat., March 29: | Got up and behaved like a dork working on the Ivy Web page. Re-read some of my “Mulligan” book. Snoozed again. Woke up, went shopping with Mikey, and attacked my manuscript. Kept writing all through the day and night to get most of chapter 21 done. Had one interruption: Kevin called and we had our first phone conversation. Turned off the lights for Earth Hour and took a photo lit up by my mini lava lamp. Passed out on the floor before I could finish the chapter. |
Week 6 | |
Sun., March 30: | Got up early and wrote the rest of chapter 21 before heading out to play tennis with Mikey. Won the game! Came back, took a “don’t mess with me” victory photo featuring me in the bikini I wore on the court (minus the tennis skirt), showered, wrote, and did laundry. Got sort of bored with the chapter while reading it. Not a good sign. Played around on YouTube and built more of the Ivy page all day. Didn’t do any more writing. |
Mon., March 31: | Got up really early and wrote a bunch of the last “Mulligan” chapter. Took a nap, went to work after the nap, and scrambled around preparing our office for our carpet replacement. Actually got Brian to help me purge a bunch of stuff from Keven’s office. Answered a couple e-mails. Shopped at Walgreens and Publix on the way home, chatted to the apartment manager about maintenance issues, and . . . wrote the rest of my book, which I have decided to call Finding Mulligan. Worked on photos and framed a drawing. SLEPT. |