
This is something called a ha-ha circle! Get your friends together, lie on each other’s stomachs in a circle, and someone starts giggling. Eventually everyone is roaring and there is no way to stop it except to stand up.

Haha Circle

That’s it, we’re gone.

Haha Circle

Here is a series of pictures from when a very strange boy named Seth managed to shove himself completely into a JC Penney’s bag. His “hatching” is documented here.

Seth in a bag

Seth in a bag

Seth in a bag

Seth in a bag


And here are a series of pictures of me doing semi-perverted things with an inflatable sheep that Jessica and Ron got for a wedding present. Oh my.

Sheep is nice

Sheep is nice

Sleeping on sofa

Jessica’s Pre-Wedding Dinner

We went to help Jessica decorate the place where she’d be having her reception, and a flower was broken. Here’s me holding the flower . . . and Fred holding the stem.

Flower and stem

I can make crowns out of napkins. Here is me wearing one I made out of my napkin, at a dinner party that took place the night before Jessica’s wedding.

Crown napkin at rehearsal dinner

Here’s Fred wearing the crown I made out of his napkin. This is my favorite picture of Fred from this vacation.

Crown napkin at rehearsal dinner

This is me and Jessica at this same party. It was very loud in the room and we were probably attempting to speak to each other.

Hanging with Jess at the dinner

Jessica and her mom at the party. Just an amusing moment.

Jessica with her mom

Hijinks with Jessica

Fred liked the exercise bike in Jessica and Ron’s apartment. We had a joke that when he pedaled, it powered the computer.

Fred tries the bike

Jessica and Fred engage in mortal combat. Fred is obviously the loser in this particular fight.

Jess runs Fred through

Jessica did my hair like Princess Leia, and I took her lightsaber and attacked Darth Maul, puppeted by the happy-go-lucky Fred.

Fighting Darth Maul

Fred was unwise to fall asleep in the same room as four pranksters. We decorated him.

Fred sleeps and gets decorated

Imagine waking up to find you are covered with stuffed animals, a banana, and a paper umbrella with tape on your glasses? D’oh.

Fred awakens decorated

Squirt attack

On our way to Jessica’s house in Melbourne, we had to stop to get gas. While Fred filled it up, I looked around the gas station for something to prank him with. I found a squirt gun, bought it, filled it up in the bathroom, and when Fred came in to pay . . . ATTACK!

Squirt gun in a convenience store

Golf with Fred

Here’s the next morning. I was getting ready to go out mini-golfing, and decided to show Fred what I looked like with my hair tucked into my shirt!

Pretending to have short hair

At Putt-Putt, Fred mini-golfing.

Fred at Putt-Putt

A similar picture of me golfing. Exciting, I know.

Ivy at Putt-Putt

Errands with Fred

Here’s me with my little cat ears headband on. Look! I’m from Josie and the Pussycats!

Cat ears

When we got back to Gainesville, we visited some shops. I like Books Inc.

At the bookstore

Fred had never had “grits” before, as it is sort of a Southern food. He had ordered some in the restaurant but we didn’t have the camera then. Here’s our memory of his experience with grits.

Fred likes grits

Me in the store with bananas, and a Chiquita sticker on my head!

Ivy likes bananas

At Mother Earth they had these cool cheesecakes. Fred stocked up.

Stocking up on cheesecake

Happy birthday Lindsay!

We went to my parents’ house to visit my sister on her birthday. Here’s my sister Lindsay, me, and my dad, while she opened her presents.

Surprising Lindsay for her birthday

Fred and I gave Lindsay a card with a cute moon on it. She apparently liked it. (I hope.)

Lindsay’s birthday card

Linds cutting her cake that we brought.

Lindsay’s cake

My mom putting bunny ears on her dog Charlie. For some reason she has taken great pains to hide her face from this picture.

Hanging out with Mom & the dog


Here’s me with a big blow-up bat with which I was preparing to smack Fred, probably.

A big bat

Here’s Fred riding a bike to the picnic we were going to have.

Fred rides my bike

We had our picnic on a roof; here is me on the wall that is around the outside of the roof.

Lounging on the wall

And here’s me on the wall again, because Fred seems to be camera-happy.

Sitting on the wall

There’s Fred enjoying the food of the picnic.

Fred enjoying the roof picnic

There’s me, also picnicking.

Ivy enjoying the roof picnic

After lunch we played my game, The Phantom Whistler. On a second-story roof, I whistle and then see if the people on the ground figure out where the sound is coming from.

Whistling at passersby

These are some people we photographed who were walking by while I was whistling. Hehe!

People walking by on the ground

There’s me populating! Another one of my pranks: I made little men out of clay and give them roof-pebble heads, and place them all over the music building in a mini-men invasion.

Hiding clay men in the wall

Fred helped. 🙂

Hiding clay men in the wall