Christmas 2000
This is Corey. He lived with my parents at the time, so of course he was there for the festivities.

My dad’s parents came to our house for a visit.

Grandma & Grandpa Decker
Dad was happy to see his folks.

Here we all are! On the left side, that’s Yuichi (the guy sister P was dating), my grandmother, me, sister Lindsay, sister Patricia, Dad, and my grandfather.

Decker grandparents, Dad, sisters, Yuichi
Later that night, there was a dinner. There’s Corey, Lindsay, Patricia, Yuichi, and Dad helping themselves.

Dinner: Corey, Lindsay, Patricia, Yuichi, Dad
We had Heather (who used to live with my parents) and her younger sister Sam there too, and on my other side is my mom’s ‘Net friend Bill.

Dinner: Heather, Sam, Ivy, Bill
Gotta get the whole table! There’s the backs of Yuichi’s and Dad’s heads, and then you see Heather, Sam, and me (with my mouth full embarrassingly).

Dinner: Heather, Sam, Ivy
Rare shot! Mom almost never sits down, but there she is!

Dinner: Mom actually sat down
Yuichi plays piano, you know. Nice pose, guys.

Yuichi & Patricia
After the dinner, we all played a group game. Kind of a tradition in our house.

Game tradition
Here’s the first of many gift-opening shots. Mom and me.

Opening gifts

Mom’s a gift

Opening gifts

Opening gifts

Opening gifts

Opening gifts

Opening gifts