Sixth day visiting Ronni!
We were under the weather so we didn’t get to do much but hang around. Chris made dinner, though!

Ivy eats corn
Ivy eats corn
Sur la Table
DDR game
Playing DDR
Aidan DDR
Sticker Pics
Finally got food in food court
Ronni makes 7UP cake
Girls making cake
Aidan runs with sippy cup
Ronni making calzones
Ivy making calzones
Aidan covered in dinner
Cookies we made
Aidan dances at church event
Selfie with Ronni
Kelly and Ronni
Chris’s family
Ronni “haaaay apple bread”
Chris enjoys apple bread
Aidan likes Most Extreme Challenge
Ivy’s cold nest
Huge chocolate
Chris with Aidan and chocolate
Ivy’s big cheese wheel
Ronni pushes Aidan
Kitchen gadget place!
With Ronni, 9/2004
Aidan’s nice eyes
Touching the fountain
Aidan’s nice hair
Wagon warning sign
Aidan in big shoes
With Ronni, 9/2004
Ivy at Bob Evans
Cute Ronni
Ronni’s son Aidan
Aidan doing bubbles with his mom
Aidan enjoying bubbles
Breakfast before bus trip!
Ready for the bus
At the buffet
Hoover Dam
A design in the floor
Down in the dam
Standing on the Capricorn spot
Standing on the Taurus spot
Hoover Dam
Writing in the sun
Fred by a dragon
Hanging out on the bed
Noodle face
Enjoying noodles
Nice garden
Gondola ride
Karaoke in vegas
Swimmer outfit
In the shade
Fred sunbathing
Ivy by the pool
Writing in the sun
Fred swimming
Ivy bathing suit
The view
At Quark’s
Photo with Voyager crew
No one is sitting with me
Someone is sitting with me
Fred wins in Vegas, 7/2004