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I make some good food sometimes.


Sunflower Tofu

Chia Cakes
I got this resin gemstone for a cosplay!

Belly Gem
Just a good old coffee and donuts day at the office.

Coffee selfies

Heart Donut
Victor and I did Free Comic Book Day riding on the bus and getting cool stuff.

With the Joker

With the Joker

Victor with Joker

Bus riding with Victor

Bus Ride

Free Comics
Jeaux made me fake chicken nuggets to go with the fries. 🙂

Fake Nuggets
A partial cosplay–I have my shirt and shorts ready to dress up as Stevonnie!

Partial Cosplay
Here’s a photo of my whole Steven Universe shirt collection to date!

All my shirts
Got the cool book Stone Heart, a sequel to another book I already read!

I am now a notary!

I’m a notary
I got this new Lion shirt and also the book Keep Beach City Weird came out!

New book, new shirt