Last cookies
My last plate of leftover cookies with one of each kind!

The last plate of cookies
Family dinner!
Dinner food!
My dinner plate at Christmas Dinner
All holiday desserts–6 cookies and a cake!
Dad opening presents
Lindsay & Mike opening presents
Dad’s new More Cowbell shirt
Lindsay & Mike opening gifts
Dad with his Rat Race shirt
Hanukkah Day 1
Jeaux made a sandwich cookie
Three yolks, one egg??
Ivy having a homemade Thin Mint
Patricia having a homemade Thin Mint
Cookie Platter!
Yasmin & Dare matching
One of each cookie
Largest cookie
Jeaux making scalloped potatoes
Homemade Lion House Rolls
Christmas Eve Dinner
White Bean Pot Pie
Jeaux trolling my dad
Present for Dad from Patricia
Present for Connie from Patricia
Abbreviated Dessert
Dessert Crew
Jeaux’s wrapping paper trolling
Ben helped me get a bird feeder
Ben and me with Cookie Cats