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So delighted to see Birdle back!! Have not seen any birds in this corner since the hurricane!
Birdle returns!
These little yellow guys are finally back!
Pine Warbler!
Day 5 (Sunday): Went to the Museum of Natural History, had dinner at the Peak and enjoyed the Edge observation deck, and had dessert at a trendy shop!
Jeaux with a dino
More dinosaurs!
Asian food break!
Ivy’s food at Peak
Jeaux’s dinner at Peak
Jeaux’s soda at Peak
Ivy at Peak
Ivy at Peak
View from the Edge
Jeaux at the Edge
Ivy at the Edge
Ivy & Jeaux at the Edge
Ivy at the Edge
Jeaux at the Edge
Ivy at the Edge
Mochi ice cream
Dessert at Tri Dim West
This butterfly had just come out of its pupa after gorging on my parsley! I was so happy that I got one butterfly right on my asparagus fern!
Beautiful Butterfly!
Haha, lookit these doves just lining up on my fence like little turkeys.
Doves on the fence
Been getting a bunch of finches coming to my bird feeder these days.
I installed a Birdle Cam to enjoy my corner birds, and discovered there is a thirdle Birdle! They fight over the corner sometimes.
Three Birdles!
My Birdle partners are still sleeping comfortably, together in the corner!
Sleeping Birdles
After being blessed by a nighttime Carolina Wren visitor off and on over the last several weeks, boy was I surprised to open my door and find TWO BIRDLES!
Two Birdles!!
That little Birdle is really something. The face is just adorable.
Birdle’s Cute Face