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This butterfly had just come out of its pupa after gorging on my parsley! I was so happy that I got one butterfly right on my asparagus fern!
Beautiful Butterfly!
Haha, lookit these doves just lining up on my fence like little turkeys.
Doves on the fence
Been getting a bunch of finches coming to my bird feeder these days.
I installed a Birdle Cam to enjoy my corner birds, and discovered there is a thirdle Birdle! They fight over the corner sometimes.
Three Birdles!
My Birdle partners are still sleeping comfortably, together in the corner!
Sleeping Birdles
After being blessed by a nighttime Carolina Wren visitor off and on over the last several weeks, boy was I surprised to open my door and find TWO BIRDLES!
Two Birdles!!
That little Birdle is really something. The face is just adorable.
Birdle’s Cute Face
Remember Birdle from last year? I now have a bird coming and staying on my porch in the same spot again and I have decided it is the same bird. So . . . Return of Birdle! I am happy to have you back, Birdle! Birdle is a Carolina Wren and they LOVE little spots like this.
Return of Birdle!!
There was a grackle hanging out by the bird feeder.
Took a walk to the post office and saw a turkey vulture on the way there, and two sandhill cranes on the way back.
Turkey Vulture
Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane