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My editor sent my paperbacks to me for the new release!
Comp copies
My sister and brother-in-law enjoying their hookah at Mom’s.
Mike & Linds
My mom’s glasses broke so she had to use a magnifying glass to play Cards Against Humanity.
Mom magnifies
We had a pizza party at work because we made some money. Square pizza?!
Square Pizza?
A stack of Skyhorse fall releases, tweeted by my editor–my paperback included.
Skyhorse fall releases
At my mom’s house I like to drink these tiny Cokes.
Tiny Coke
I’m at Drink and Draw posing with Eric’s poster.
Drink & Draw September
Eric is setting up his rude robot at the Drink and Draw.
Eric sets up
I’m at Drink and Draw hanging out with the FU Bot. It insults you if you tweet at it.
FU Bot
My mom got me tiny Cokes in bottles!
Tiny Coke
Resting on an air mattress at my mom’s while sleeping over.
Me at August’s Drink and Draw. Also, there was a double rainbow.
August Drink & Draw
Wearing my “back together” shirt at work because I’m a dork.
Back Together Shirt
I played DDR and got nice and tired.