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I like my new shirt. 🙂

Garnet the Riveter
Playing with Ash in “Ash’s Place,” a cardboard box my mom made. Also, my nephew is “Mr. Stripey.”

Ash’s Place

Mr. Stripey
Got a trim, looks nice.

Hair trimmed
Mom’s always been flexible and she’s still got it

Mom’s flexible
The Shorty Squad loves Cookie Cats.

Cookie Cat

Cookie Cat
New shirt! I had to show my shorty squad pride.

Shorty Squad!
The only ring I want

The only ring I want
Some drinking and drawing happening here!

Drink & Draw November

Eric Drinkin and Drawin
Aren’t these lovely cookies? Some have peach preserves and some have strawberry.

I like to make Cookie Cats for Steven Universe episode releases. 🙂

Cookie Cat

Jeaux’s Cookie Cat

Fruits of my labor