Speaking at University of Virginia

I choked on my coffee TWICE in the airport because I drank it too fast.

Airport Coffee

Here is me in a hotel room checking over my slides before a presentation.

Reviewing slides for a talk

Me with Carrie, the Queer Student Union secretary who invited me to present at University of Virginia.

Carrie and me at my UVa talk

I got a really sweet little gift from the UVa students: Chocolate candy!

Chocolate candy gift from UVa

Creating Change with Asexual Contingent

This is me with fellow panelist Tristan. Tallest ace, smallest ace.

With Tristan: Tallest ace, smallest ace

Here is me with M. at Creating Change.

M. & Ivy

Out to dinner with my friends from Creating Change. Tristan, M., Hannah, Rin, Halee, me, and Alicia.

Ace dinner group

This is our group picture of the asexual contingent from Creating Change. Hannah, Sara Beth, M., David Jay, Tristan, me, and Rin.

Ace Group