Night Vale Show!

My friends Katelyn, Meghan, Jeaux, and I went to the Night Vale show. The performers included Meg Bashwiner as Deb, Cecil Baldwin as Cecil, Desiree Burch as Pamela, Jeffrey Cranor as Intern Jeffrey, and Erin McKeown as the musical guest/weather. We went to IHOP after and Meg got cool coffee. Jeaux was wearing his Strexcorp shirt.

Night Vale with Jeaux, Meg, Katie

Jeffrey Cranor & Cecil

Desiree Burch plays Pamela Winchell w/ Cecil

Cast of Night Vale

Meg with coffee

With Jeaux at IHOP

Halloween party 2015

Dare made my party twice as Steveny by coming as Steven Universe himself, complete with ukulele and magic belly button. (Yes, they can play the songs, and did so.)

Dare as Steven Universe

It’s Jeaux . . . as Tiger Millionaire. He even has a giant cell phone prop that he made himself.

Jeaux as Tiger Millionaire

It’s Steven and a Steven. Tiger Millionaire. Whatever. ALL THAT MATTERS IS HOW STEVENY MY HOUSE IS.

Jeaux as Tiger, Joy as Steven

Mommy came as a SCUBA diver.


“Hmm . . . from here, he kinda looks like Steven.”

Kinda looks like Steven

Eric sat in my tiny chair somehow.

Eric sat in the chair somehow

Donut girl selfie. What’cha think, do I make a decent Sadie?

Sadie costume

When you have a chance to take a selfie with a pirate, YOU DO IT!

Pirate Selfie