Fred’s first visit!
Fred flew from California to meet me for the first time after having a friendship through online and phone interaction only! We had a blast even though it was only for two days.
Chris tries to use my computer
Chris can’t use my computer because I switched all the keys around. It’s hard for people who don’t touch type.
James and Chris visiting from Alabama!
My friend James visited me from Alabama and brought his friend Chris who is hilarious. We played PlayStation a lot, went to Napolitano’s to sing karaoke (where Chris sang Adam Sandler’s “Ode to My Car,” to everyone’s shock and amazement), and went out to eat a lot.
Bye Rowan
My last hug with Rowan.
Visiting the creator of Mu
Blink, Rowan, and I met on the talker MuMu Land. It was created by Keener, and I actually got to meet him and his girlfriend kiRa. We had a lot of fun hanging out, buying Sailor Moon cards, being dorks, and enjoying computer time.