Camping at All World Acres

On the day we were to camp, we stopped in Tampa to get some supplies at my mom’s and then we visited Meggie. We all went shopping and out to eat.

Visiting Meggie

We got to the campsite before dusk and managed to set up our tent. Here’s me inside it!

Tent at All World Acres

Fred is sitting in front of the tent after we’ve got it all set up, wearing his “Don’t Worry, Be Hopi” shirt.

Tent at All World Acres

Fred also photographed me sitting in front of the tent, and the random dog ran into the picture too. (The dog belonged to the owners of the land.)

Tent at All World Acres

Just some being silly around town with Fred

During some of our adventures having fun and going out, I wore this neat silver dress. It was worthy of a picture.

My silver dress

Of course, the string of the silver dress came out and strangled Fred.

Don’t choke yourself Fred

At Wal-Mart they sell these awesome chairs that are perfect for people my size! Fred has photographed me sitting in one here.

Tiny chair

And here too.

Tiny chair

Sometimes just hanging out can get tiring.

Fred with witch hat

New Dress, Clearwater Beach, Karaoke

Here’s me in a sundress right before we went to Tampa to see my mommy and all.

Posing by the tree

And we saw her, at work . . . I’m with her on a bench.

Visiting Mom at work

And here is the beach visit Fred and I had with my sister in Clearwater.

Beach hangout with Fred

Beach hangout with Fred

Beach hangout with Patricia

Beach hangout with Patricia

Okay and here’s when we went to sing karaoke with my dad! One is just me singing “Forgiven” by Alanis, two are me singing with Dad, and one is Fred singing “Hotel California.”




Tuckered out

Swimming and Sawamura

Fred and I decided to take a swim in my community swimming pool. Fred had bought me a cool bikini and I was trying it out. Fred documented it rather well I’d say.

White girl in a bikini

White girl in a bikini

White girl in a bikini

White girl in a bikini

At Sawamura’s Japanese restaurant, we ate loads of stuff, including the stuff that was on fire in this picture.


Here’s the guy who cooked it for us, he was awesome.


Summer visit with Fred!

See, he was really here! That is Fred in the woods of my apartment complex.

Fred in the woods

Well, and here’s me in the woods at my apartment complex!

Ivy in the woods

We played with some stuff and I made this pretty decoration!

Pentacle made of pine needles

We got this awesome watermelon! This is us attempting to eat it.

Sharing a watermelon