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Pride Day 19: Lesbian Fiction. Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown; Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera; Under the Lights by Dahlia Adler.

Pride Day 19
Pride Day 18: Made of Love pride shirt from Steven Universe!

Pride Day 18
Pride Day 17: Pride swag! Two lanyards and three pins.

Pride Day 17
Pride Day 16: Trans guy YA fiction! Featuring I Am J by Cris Beam and f2m by Hazel Edwards and Ryan Kennedy.

Pride Day 16
Pride Day 15: Heartstopper graphic novels.

Pride Day 15
Hanging out with Dad for an early Father’s Day. We had Ethiopian food at Queen of Sheba and noshed on some cake after.

Ethiopian food with Dad

Donut cake with Dad
Pride Day 14: Pride arm socks.

Pride Day 14
Pride Day 13: My Grom shirt from The Owl House.

Pride Day 13
Pride Day 12: Asexuality and Aromanticism–related nonfiction books.

Pride Day 12
Pride Day 11: My Stevonnie shirt.

Pride Day 11