Renaissance Faire in Gainesville
Me with the new parasol Mikey bought me, trying not to look like I’m sick.
A damsel in distress! I was posing with a monster at the RenFaire.
Mikey. By a funny sign at the Ren Faire.
Ben, Post-Lunch
Ben and Meggie right after Ben had lunch.
Ren Faire 2008 Tampa
Here is what Mikey and I wore to the Renaissance Faire in Tampa.
I did a hula-hoop while wearing a corset.
Ren Faire February 2008
Katelyn looks beautiful holding this parasol at the Renaissance Faire.
Meghan, Brendon, Katelyn, and Benjamin make up the “names-end-in-N family.”
Here is what Mikey and I wore to the Renaissance Festival.
Ren Faire January 2007
Mikey in his Renaissance clothes at the faire.
Here’s what I wore to the faire.
Hoggetowne 2006 with Mikey
These pictures are from my 2006 Ren Faire trip with Mikey in Gainesville.