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The hurricane is coming. The sky was trollishly clear for a while, but it didn’t last.

Stormy Weather

Sky is trolling

Getting stormy
Sometimes you just get cozy with SU merch.

Getting Cozy
Made pumpkin-shaped pumpkin bread like Lars in “The Good Lars.”

Pumpkin Bread!

Licking the Spatula
Jeaux has named his new car Toothpaste.

Jeaux’s new car
Dare and I always have fun at the Drink and Draw.

Dare drew Ducky

Drink & Draw Squint
I got all the Steven Universe McFarlane builder toys! And managed to put them together, which was no easy tasks!

McFarlane Toys
My photo of the eclipse is no good.

Bad Eclipse Photography
Ivysaur happens to be my favorite Pokémon.

Now I can be Steven, Stevonnie, or Rose Quartz!

New shield prop
Metrocon Sunday! Victor wanted to go to this workshop on silicon mold-making. I went with him but didn’t make a mold. He made a mold for a GIR and Piggy! We got to see a roomful of dancing nerds. They were all doing the same dances in the main room and it was so cool.

Sleepy Uke


with Rose

Victor’s Hat

Chatting Pearls

With Greg

My gem bud