Last Night of Hanukkah 2014
Ash, Yusuke, and Patricia came over for the last night of Hanukkah at my house and we did candles.

First time with a menorah!
First time with a menorah!
Ash is 1!
Trying birthday cake
Nomming birthday cake
Feed Mommy cake!
Ash & Aunt Lindsay
Ash’s first birthday
Bubble-loving Baby
Aunt Lindsay the feet eater
Learning to take selfies
Group selfie
Upside Kiss Monster
Ash devoured the book
Cool hammer toy
Face grabber
Hand eater
Ash gets my special blanky
Water bottle nommer
Four generations
Good Grandpa
Dad wearing baby Ash’s hat
Dad is a Grandpa, with Ash
Mom & Dad with Ash
Gals of Rehearsal Dinner
Rehearsal Dinner Group
Gramma kisses for Ash
Making the shhh noise
Dancing with grandson
Ash questions Grandma’s judgment
Moody baby
San Francisco jazz