Christmas Eve with Family

Yay, spending time with the family at Mom’s house on Christmas Eve! We opened gifts and enjoyed each other’s company.

Christmas Tree Selfie

A cuddle with Chewy

Ash chills with Uncle Mike

Mom’s china

Gifts by the tree


Jeaux in a hat

Hangin with L

Gifted Kid


Stylish Paper


Big coloring book!

Thai Temple for Victor’s Birthday

Victor organized a birthday hangout at the Thai Temple and a bunch of us showed up!

Eric’s a pretty princess

Dare eating at Thai Temple

Jeaux eating at Thai Templme

Eric & Jeaux at Thai Temple

Eric & Jeaux at Thai Temple

Jeaux & Anita at Thai Temple

Thai noodles

Eric making a masterpiece


Dare & their cool Rose shirt

Me & Dare at Thai Temple

Hanging at the pier