Visiting Bunky – Working!
Visiting Bunky in Columbus! But he had to work so I helped him fold pizza boxes. It was fun actually.

Folding pizza boxes at Bunky’s work
Folding pizza boxes at Bunky’s work
Slot machine at the airport
Playing Jacks or Better
Slot machine that accepts $100 bills
Dad’s High Roller outfit
Happy in the Vegas hotel room
Dad happy in the room
A cool big vase
Dad with slot machines
The Monte Carlo and my finger
Quark’s after the Star Trek exhibits
WB stuff in the store
Harassing a cardboard cutout
Ivy in a tiny house
A big puppy cuddle
Took my hair out of braids
Took my hair out of braids
Doing my hair for Halloween
Mike is a bearded, tall hobbit
Moon and Mike in vampiric-like outfits
Aaron as Sycotic
Chris wearing my wings, post-costumes
Chris & Ivy profiles
Trading candy after trick-or-treat
Pixy outfit
Chris’s “horny” costume
Pixy Costume
Chris is Pyro Donkey
Pixie and Pyro Donkey at the Grog House
Phil with his sake
Crazed Phil
Dancing pixie
Phil with pool cue
Pixie playing pool
Pixie grin
Chris and Ivy
Silly pose, Chris & Ivy
Chris’s Boognish sweater, Ivy hug
Ivy being lazy
Chris being gross with a costume piece
Pretending to drink a big beer
Chris with music calendars
Chris with Rapunzel hair
Dancing in the alley
Riding the bike with no hands or feet
Chris riding the bike
My room’s a wreck
Tenchi shirt!