Cookie Cat making with family
We decided to make Cookie Cats! Here’s just the cookie-making part.

Cookie Cat Dough

Patricia makes Cookie Cats
Cookie Cat Dough
Patricia makes Cookie Cats
Caftan-wearing Sisters
Playing in Jeaux’s pool
At Ahi with Meggie & Adam
My outfit to go see Barbie
My outfit to go see Barbie
Donuts from Hale Life with Ash
Pride donut from Hale Life
Dinner for P & Y’s anniversary
Ash squishes bread
Dad & Connie at home
Me on Jimmy’s boat
Family with Jimmy on the boat
Pulling the boat ashore
Playing on the mini beach
Dad on the boat
Yusuke fishes
Patricia & Yusuke with boba
Dad and me with boba
Ash and me with boba
P and Ash swimming at Dad’s
Yusuke working on the Rubik’s Cube
Group at Madfish
Sisters at Jeaux’s pool
Patricia enjoys the chair
SoFresh at the pool