Here’s me with a big blow-up bat with which I was preparing to smack Fred, probably.

A big bat
Here’s Fred riding a bike to the picnic we were going to have.

Fred rides my bike
We had our picnic on a roof; here is me on the wall that is around the outside of the roof.

Lounging on the wall
And here’s me on the wall again, because Fred seems to be camera-happy.

Sitting on the wall
There’s Fred enjoying the food of the picnic.

Fred enjoying the roof picnic
There’s me, also picnicking.

Ivy enjoying the roof picnic
After lunch we played my game, The Phantom Whistler. On a second-story roof, I whistle and then see if the people on the ground figure out where the sound is coming from.

Whistling at passersby
These are some people we photographed who were walking by while I was whistling. Hehe!

People walking by on the ground
There’s me populating! Another one of my pranks: I made little men out of clay and give them roof-pebble heads, and place them all over the music building in a mini-men invasion.

Hiding clay men in the wall
Fred helped. 🙂

Hiding clay men in the wall