Jeaux’s Birthday Cake
I made a pumpkin roll at Jeaux’s request for his birthday!

A slice of Jeaux’s birthday cake
A slice of Jeaux’s birthday cake
Vietnamese food with Jodi
Vietnamese food with Bee
Dad excited to go to Foo Fighters
Enjoying the Foo Fighters concert
Enjoying the Foo Fighters concert
Enjoying the Foo Fighters concert
Enjoying the Foo Fighters concert
Enjoying the Foo Fighters concert
Lindsay making waffles
Family breakfast
Patricia by waterfalls
Ice Cream at the Golden Cow
Patricia preparing babka
Good morning!
Patricia braiding my hair
Linds with Toki
Family with pasta bake
Family with pasta bake
With honeysuckle
Patricia preparing babka
Lots of room on the plane!
Plane face!
Dad is a little boy
P in the comfy chair
Before haircut
Refreshments at hair salon
Getting foils
After haircut
Jeaux’s jelly roll cake
Me with Jeaux’s jelly roll cake
Breakfast for dinner
Ben at breakfast for dinner
Scott at breakfast for dinner
Ivy at breakfast for dinner
Ben & Ivy in Grain and Berry