Family visit with Dad
I got to go see my dad and Connie for our holiday gathering 2018. I rode along with Patricia, Yusuke, and Ash, and we met Lindsay and Mike there. Much fun was had!
My salad: not that adventurous.
Mike’s good with that ice cream.
Ash playing with his Uncle Mike.
My sisters Patricia and Lindsay opening gifts.
Ash and Patricia mid-gifting.
Dad and Connie getting their presents.
Gifting is serious.
Madhouse of gift-giving!
Clearly enjoying the presents!
Boys jamming in the music room.
Nephew is five years old and a robot expert

Ash is a robot expert
California Family is here!
Sister Patricia, brother-in-law Yusuke, and nephew Ash are here! I got to hang out with them a little today.

Jacket Guy Eats

Plaid guys
Latkes in sadness
Our grandmother passed away and we went to her funeral this afternoon. At least I got to see my sisters.
We even made latkes for some family togetherness time.

Making Latkes

Making Latkes

Latkes dinner
Nephew hangouts
Never a dull moment with little Ash. Hanging out at Mom’s.

Jason Mraz hat, climbing Ash

Very Aggressive Butt
New Year’s Breakfast for Dinner
Family hangouts for a new tradition of Breakfast for Dinner at my house!

Breakfast for Dinner 2018

Playing with vehicles
New Year’s Day with Family
Saw my dad and grandpa with my sister’s family for New Year’s Day today!

Cartoon aesthetic
Christmas Day
Had some lovely family time with the California family at Mom’s house, making cookies and enjoying gifts.

Cute hair bow

Horsing with Ash

Family cookie time

Steveny Cookie

Snowbathing Snowman



Ash paints cookeis

Ash’s presents

Ash with cookie!