Grandma’s birthday
Me with my Aunt Elisa in a hotel, about to go enjoy brunch with Grandma.

With Aunt Elisa
With Aunt Elisa
Some sisters
Happy Birthday L!
New bag for birthday!
Wrestling Siblings!
Katelyn’s Cupcakes
Age 10!
Happy Benny
With Grandparents at Bonefish
Brendon & Katelyn, 4/2005
Outside with Meggie, 4/2005
With Fred and newspaper, 4/2005
Enjoying the paperweight
Grandma preps the cake
Grandpa is 84
Dad & Daughter
Surprising Lindsay for her birthday
Lindsay’s birthday card
Lindsay’s cake
Hanging out with Mom & the dog
Playing Jacks or Better
Slot machine that accepts $100 bills
Dad’s High Roller outfit
Happy in the Vegas hotel room
Dad happy in the room
A cool big vase
Dad with slot machines
The Monte Carlo and my finger
Quark’s after the Star Trek exhibits