Fun at Aunt Julie’s House
Ash had some fun playing around at holiday time.

Tire Swing

Ash with Robot
Tire Swing
Ash with Robot
A Four-Year-Old
P decorating
Ash is Four
Lighting Candles
Ash’s Candles
TV trays!
E.T. Tray for New Year’s.
Ash colors
Big, powerful hugs
The cookie monster
Resting on Cthulhu?
Butterfly boy
Happy New Year!
Contemplative morning boy
Vehicles on Sand
I’m at the beach!
Sand boy plays with his aunt
Beach family
Beach family
The raspberry devourer
The raspberry devourer
Adorable on purpose?
Yusuke’s upside-down son
Tracks around Mommy P
Knitting maniac
Playing with trains is fun!
Cool tracks w/Aunt Lindsay
Mom’s baby
Ash’s first Pop Rocks
Gift from Sister L!
Christmas Tree Selfie
A cuddle with Chewy
Ash chills with Uncle Mike
Mom’s china
Gifts by the tree
Jeaux in a hat
Hangin with L
Gifted Kid
Stylish Paper
Big coloring book!
Elmo gift
Elmos chase
Strawberry Cake: Ash is 3!
Blurry jumping child
Ash appreciates cake
He likes trains more than cake
Two Elmos were guests
Ash and Yusuke watching
Ash mommy kisses
Sister selfie with Ash