Halloween Party 2013

I was standing on the couch next to Derek who was standing on the floor. He was still taller.

Derek’s pretty tall

Dia costume

Michael the pirate

Victor the rennie

Derek the steampunk pilot

Shelby, Dare, Brent at Halloween

Shelby as Chihiro

Jeaux, Victor

Michael, Eric, Claudia

Yasmin, Michael

With Shelby at Halloween


Yasmin made this sculpture out of the food they were taking home from my Halloween party.

Yasmin’s food sculpture

Halloween Party 2011

Halloween party: Victor and Derek in their costumes.

Derek & Victor

Ivy the Rennie!

Katelyn, Tank Girl Shirt with a Tutu

Brent with a paper bag on his head

Michael as Shade

Mari and Avi as One Percenters

Eric, Stephanie, Mari, Brent, Kim, Robbie, Derek

Dare as Bad Horse

Anita smiles

Brent, Dare, Scott

Adrienne, Mandy, Brent

Brent, Adrienne, Mandy

Mandy & Brent

Halloween party: Mandy and I were taking a cute picture, and Victor expertly photobombed it.

Mandy & Ivy (+ Photobomb)

Halloween party: Brent stole Victor’s gauntlets and proceeded to try to kill people.

Dangerous Armwear

Halloween party: Victor, Scott, Derek, and Michael playing some card game.

Card Nerds