Wassail and winter fun with Fred

Visiting Fred in San Jose! We made wassail with cider, apples, and our own spices in a tea ball, and made crescent cakes for the full moon.

Trying Fred’s keyboard

Calling co-host Loco

Fred making crescent cakes

Fred making wassail

Ivy drinking wassail

Fred drinking wassail

Moon face decorations

Cracked apple

A little cold

A little silly

Pretending to sit on the wall

Fred Visit Day 2

Shopping, Picnicking, and Poetry!

We did silly errands and then shopped at the mall for my sister’s birthday and Mother’s Day.

Big gumball machine

Then we went back to my house and got some picnic food, and we went onto the campus of my school. We got on the roof of the University Auditorium and had a picnic.

Fred on UMA roof

Chocolate milk

Roof of UMA

Fred and I then frolicked in the music building for a while. I played the piano and stuff and then we went home. I was tired so I napped, I think Fred napped a little bit too. Then we got up and went to the Kotobuki restaurant for Japanese food.

Miso soup

Fred with sushi

Then we went to famous Thursday Night Poetry Jam at the Civic Media Center.

Performing at poetry reading

When we went home we watched the movie Matilda and then went to bed sometime afterwards.

Fred’s Visit Day 1

Fred Arrives!

When Fred first got here, we spent a lot of time just flopping around in my room.

My body pillow

Fred with Thbthb

Pen magic trick

Typing at messy desk

Then we just did other silly things around the house.

Sitting on the couch

Giant bottle

Getting my mail

Then we went to Alley Katz, a cool bowling place with video games and pool tables too.

Fred with cue stick

Touching traffic light

Then we went home to eat.

Ivy enjoying artichoke

Fred enjoying artichoke

James and Chris visiting from Alabama!

My friend James visited me from Alabama and brought his friend Chris who is hilarious.  We played PlayStation a lot, went to Napolitano’s to sing karaoke (where Chris sang Adam Sandler’s “Ode to My Car,” to everyone’s shock and amazement), and went out to eat a lot.

James “don’t hit me”

Ivy & James, pigtail crew

James & Chris

James & Ivy with Pringles

Squatting on the roof

Pringle Quack with Ivy & Chris

Chris plays funny songs on guitar

Ivy laughing at Chris’s songs

Pizza with the short boys

Pizza with the tall boys

Ivy’s ripped jeans

Ivy pondering

James’s colorful pigtails