Completed Garnet Costume

Sadly a very important element of my Garnet costume, the Gemstones, did not come in time for my Halloween party. I’d purchased them from an Etsy artist and there was a shipping glitch. They even tried to get the Gems to me with rush shipping, but it didn’t make it in time. It was not a huge deal though! I appreciated their effort. 🙂

Here for the first time are some “complete” Garnet poses. I hope I can use this costume for a convention next year.

My Garnet costume for Halloween


Heart Hands Garnet

Garnet costume

Garnet with Garnet

Garnet with Steven

Garnet with Steven

Garnet with Pumpkin

Halloween Party 2018

Yasmin as Charizard

Friends playing cards

My Garnet costume

Me as Garnet, Ben as Steven

Me as Garnet, Ben as Steven

Meghan as the TARDIS

Haven as Tonks as Haven

Derek as Greg, Ben as Steven, me as Garnet

“Father and Son” (but not in real life)

Ben as Steven with shield

Heart Hands Garnet costume

Joy as Edna Mode

Me as Garnet, Ben as Steven

Victor as Charizard

Ben as Steven with uke

Kari as Pumpkin

Derek as Greg Universe

Jeaux as Dipper

Yasmin dances