Sonny’s with Fred
Fred got to have his yummy Sonny’s fare.

Fred at Sonny’s, 5/2006
They practically serve their soft drinks in BUCKETS.

A BUCKET of cola
Fred at Sonny’s, 5/2006
A BUCKET of cola
Falafel Burger at Farrah’s
Falafel Burger at Farrah’s
Mikey’s big salad, 4/2006
giant salad at Farrah’s
Believe It Or Not museum
Believe It Or Not museum
Believe It Or Not museum
Hooray for big coke
Cannonballs at the fort
Cannon at the fort
Cannon at the fort
Us at the fort
Ivy with a cannon
Mikey with a cannon
Ivy shoots
Panera coffee
Panera coffee
Enjoying the toy dino
Mikey outside, 4/2006
Enjoying flowers
Hello Kitty Stuff
Mikey sits in the hand
Ivy sits in the hand
Weirdos in hands
Caught at the buffet
Spring roll!
Cream nose!
Coffee with Mikey, 4/2006
Coffee at Mom’s
Coffee at Mom’s
Mikey lost, 4/2006
Coming soon Dick’s Wings
Mikey & Mom
Lindsay eating
Lindsay’s dog Pork Chop
With Dad
With Dad
With Dad and Connie
With Dad and Connie
With Dad and Mikey
With Dad and Mikey
With Mikey
With Mikey, 4/2006
Mikey’s hungry
Mikey thinks
Mikey’s pyramid, 4/2006
Creamer tower
Creamer tower
Bad idea
Mikey’s cheesy sandwich
Grilled cheese
GIR shirt in the hotel
Ready for Faire
Ready for Faire
Before I changed
The Dress!
Mikey’s bag
Faire Food
Sitting in dress
Mikey’s rock candy
Mikey’s rock candy
Witch at work
Dress I wore to work
Witch Hat
Brendon as Space Ghost
Brendon as Space Ghost
Jeaux as a ball-playing cowboy superhero soldier pirate
Mikey as Aragorn
Galadriel costume
Galadriel costume
Galadriel costume
Ivy as Galadriel
Aragorn kissing Galadriel’s hand
My trick-or-treat boys
Halloween Group!
Jeaux’s candy hoard
Brendon’s hoard
Ivy hoard
Candy hoard
Mikey’s hoard
Don’t kill Jeaux
Don’t fight over Jeaux