Farah’s visit
I was being a pig at Farah’s, eating a falafel burger and french fries.

Pig Eat 2

Pig Eat 1
Pig Eat 2
Pig Eat 1
Mikey Moody at Mom’s
New Year’s Selfie
Jeaux eating Mom’s meatballs
Mad Libs Jeaux
Ivy opening gifts!
Making crème brûlée
Fred enjoying crème brûlée
Ivy eating crème brûlée
Fred opening a card
At Mikey’s
Yo, it’s trees!
Fred at the park
Laughing with cat
Ivy & Michael
Ivy encyclopedia!
Mom feeds Fred
Lindsay, Pork Chop, Me, 2006
Mom, Lindsay, Ivy, Pork Chop
Pork Chop in a chair
My outfit
Bat face!
Jeaux & Ivy
Mikey carries me
Michael enjoying food
The bounty!
My bread
Guests enjoying food
Tired face
Dark window
Outside the window
Mikey with puffs
Mikey with puffs
Jeaux is full
Pumpkin Roll!
Partially eaten Bread of the Dead
Squinty face
Loopy braids