Phoenix and Las Vegas with Fred – Day 3

The Iron Skillet Restaurant (another “historic Fred place”), where Fred took me for lunch on our way driving to Las Vegas!

Fred at Iron Skillet

This is me in the hotel room at our Vegas hotel, the Mirage. Don’t I look like I’m trying to be a movie star or something? I was just wearing that cape thing because I was freezing.

Vegas Superstar

After seeing Penn & Teller that night, Fred crashed pretty hard. I thought it was funny so I snapped it.

Fred is out cold

Phoenix and Las Vegas with Fred – Day 2

We decided to go to Sedona on my second day in Phoenix. Halfway there we stopped at this “historical Fred place”: The Coffee Pot Restaurant, where they have omelets you can order by the number!

Historical Fred Place: Coffee Pot

Coffee at Coffee Pot

Now just a bunch of pictures of me walking around in the desert trail in Sedona:

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail

Sedona desert trail


Costume Day at JACON!

Jeaux and I went to JACON as Sae Sawanoguchi and Takeo Takakura from the anime Maho Tsukai TAI!. My first time doing a lot of sewing for a costume and I definitely hate it. We entered the costume contest but didn’t win anything (and didn’t expect to). Here are our costumes. A bunch of the other ones we saw at the con can be seen at the photo album for this convention.

Sae & Takeo


Sae & Takeo

Sae Eye Belt

Sae with Jeff

Us in the Costume Contest

We also went to a nerdy music performance after we got out of our costumes and enjoyed the band playing video game stuff. I even danced.

Tetris Music

Dance DDR